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ASV Bible

Taken from the Holy Bible ASV OV
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Reference Text
Psalms 112:1 Praise ye Jehovah. Blessed is the man that feareth Jehovah, That delighteth greatly in his commandments.
Psalms 112:2 His seed shall be mighty upon earth: The generation of the upright shall be blessed.
Psalms 112:3 Wealth and riches are in his house; And his righteousness endureth for ever.
Psalms 112:4 Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: [He is] gracious, and merciful, and righteous.
Psalms 112:5 Well is it with the man that dealeth graciously and lendeth; He shall maintain his cause in judgment.
Psalms 112:6 For he shall never be moved; The righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance.
Psalms 112:7 He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: His heart is fixed, trusting in Jehovah.
Psalms 112:8 His heart is established, he shall not be afraid, Until he see [his desire] upon his adversaries.
Psalms 112:9 He hath dispersed, he hath given to the needy; His righteousness endureth for ever: His horn shall be exalted with honor.
Psalms 112:10 The wicked shall see it, and be grieved; He shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away: The desire of the wicked shall perish. Psalm 113


(copyright The Bible Society of India)

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